Been to gym for the first time. *shy
We went to Gan Boon Leong Gym, RM 5 per entry. It was very fun coz as usual, we were laughing all the way even when we were doing exercise. Laughing is also part of the exercise, so it's good.
Buvy is very bersemangat!
From left: Alicia (sis), Buvy, Ann, Trina
Workout for 1 hour+.
Forced smile.
And half dead.
After gym, we went to Jonkers and ate wantan mee and ABC. Add back all the fats that we bersusah-payah burned earlier. cpp
15.06.2009Since the first time was a 'success', we went for the second time yesterday.
It says " "No toilet" Roll on floor"
Yea, so we rolled on the floor. lame.
Camwhore is a must.
Buvy's top.
She wore the same top like the first time we were there, but different colour.
She's trying to act innocent and cute by covering her body, she's definitely not.
Smiling happily coz weight reduced by 0.01%.
Buvy's reduced by 1.2kg!! 1kg is from her tahi coz she had diarrhoea earlier.
After. MDG version.

While waiting for Buvy, we camwhored.
Ann, u take my face so black wan see wat?
Ann, u looked so budak kecik here sia.
It's like a 18years old jie jie with a 5 years old girl =.=" Poser waiting for GBL.
Group pic! *muackk
This time, we were there for 2 hours working out really hard...It was all well minus the emberassment by my dear friends and sister on the body-building machine thingy. Next time dunno how to use ask people. Don't pandai-pandai LOL!
Oh, on behalf of Ann, here's a bonus for u ppl!
Buvy with a lap chiong hanging from her neck.
Klar, don't get angry k Buv buvv ma brudda buvvvyyy!
Oh btw, 'lap chiong' is actually chinese sausage.
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