Actually I was pretty lazy to post this up but I've decided to post it up anyway for recording purposes =X

While waiting for the rest to come.

While waiting for the rest to come (2).

While waiting for the rest to come (3).
Went for space shot ALONE thanks to the cpp Koh Ann Whui because she told me she will be coming and since the queue was soooo long, I thought that by the time it reaches my turn, she will be here but tahi hidung pun tak nampak!
Finally, everyone arrived when the sky is dark! Yayy!!

The multiracial group.
Buvy, Ann, Qis, Trina.

Went for space shot the second round.
Much more fun than going alone!


Buvy went to get hot water for the cup mee... due to her greediness, we locked her outside.

Qis & Buvy.
Qis look so beautifool here!

Trina binti Ayu.

Going back T.T
It was a fun trip!! Especially with you people around!!
We should spend more quality time together like this!


0,1,2,5 Kawaiii!
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