Since a year ago, things have changed a lot. Good or bad, nobody knows but what I know is that as of today, I am a happy girl! It’s a period of worthy time spent with him. We went through lotsa shit and as time goes by, we learn to understand each other better, and that’s really essential. He taught me that.
They say nobody is perfect, yes that’s very true…but I’ll say that he’s near perfect, well at least he is for me. So what does this near perfect person has that I’d fall for him? Let me tell you about this lameassh! :P
1. Yeah he’s lame. And I love the fact that he’s super lame! Oh how much have you made me laugh even just by the simplest lame jokes/comments you said. I still remember ‘kah motor’ lol.
2. He’s very caring… yeahh boring point I know, but goddamn he is! He cares for every single little things about not just me, but everyone around him. And he cares for everyone sincerely. Without even a thought of gaining returns. That’s what I was attracted back then, and still do. Still remember how he cared for me when I was at the worse time of my life. Thanks abang =) Also how you gave me things I really wanted and would die for…you know what =)
3. He’s very observant and keipo =P That’s another reason why I love him coz if he’s not, he might have been caught by many other girls out there long ago. He’ll always condemn almost everyone he sees especially if you’re a cinna or a chod lol. Oh hell his specialty is eavesdropping people’s conversation wtf! Yo keipo, I find that cute!
4. I love it when he’ll just come and grab my hand…
5. I love to hear him talk. He talks a looott. Lol… That makes him very special…to me. Also how he’ll always freakingly quote any shit from movies, philosophers, politicians, spongebob, cinnas, anybody! You name it!
6. I love his goldfish lips!
7. How for fuck sake he always sound so convincing -_-
8. I love how he likes to talk like Barney (not the purple monster) with the high pitch “whattt?”.
9. I love how he’ll always educate me with so many scientific terms and stuff and information and videos etc. Then I’ll forget half of it the day after =_= But heyy, at least I’m not that stupid anymore!
10. He’s an OCD. Some might find that very annoying but I find it very cute :P His actions never fail to make me smile.
11. I like the fact that not only he’s quite racist lol, but he’s a person with a very strong stand and of course, a science person. Just love how he’ll always present his thoughts and speech with scientific proofs and facts.
12. And he’s a food lover! You know how much I love to eat! Seafood especially! The countless places that we’ve been to, though it added so much Kgs to me not you, but it’s just superb each time!
The list can go on and on and I might need months to finish it, but I’d like to stop at 12 =) And I think I don’t have to say it out all here…because we have the many more years to come for me to tell it to you. And you, SSH, will always have to remind me and feed me with more gingko that how lucky I am to have you.
While typing this, I’m listening to the one song that will always remind me of the best moments…moments that I will never want to forget. Song by Emily Saliers =) I do not know why, but each time I listen to this, I’ll just think of the silly things we did. Like how we cheated the basketball arcade game just to get the tickets, the very first time you brought me to Daorae, the webcam moments during my training, and the ride home back to Malacca, the day that I thought I had a hearing problem because I couldn’t believe what I heard =P These moments mean a lot to me.

The best moment ever was when I went home knowing that i've got you =)

It has been a splendid year for me, minus the bad times. All the things that lead me to you, I thank every bit of it. I love you.
Thank you for being there for me and thanks for the wonderful year!
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