Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Alert: Many bitches here!


Went over to my cousin's soon-to-be-wife's house for something they called "lap chai" which I have no idea what is that all about. All I know is that my job is to follow my cousin to make monkey faces coz he loves doing that (he even did that in his WEDDING ALBUM CANUBELIEVEIT?) and my main objective of the day is to eat!

Very nice!

Love the wall.

I have this too!! but the smaller version :P

My cousin's daughter....she's so adorable! Boo!

Cheeky lil girl!

Read my title.

and more!

The black one is so damn big. It once lived at my grandma's house when it was verrrry little and small! My cousin would tie him to a stool and make him run around the stool...and yea, it got tangled up and we will laugh like mad coz it was really cute and funny. Today, the big black guy will stare right to your eyes and ask "You dare to do it again?".
"Uhh no... no". *shivers and run*

The noisy one.

The cute and friendly one.

The pitiful one lol.

I dunnolar if all of them are bitches, just trying to bring back the bitch spirit.
Eeee I dunno what I'm talking coz I'm still upset bout my interview.

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