Friday, December 10, 2010
Contradiction. Always.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I need snow!
Wanna know why???
Coz it's hh...hhoo....HOT!!
Ahhh classic H.O.T! (L) Kangtaa then. He's old now =\
He's the one in green jersey/green in jumpsuit. Isn't he cuuute??
Love this song... Used to be on loop for thousands of time!
I heart Korean..............songs!
2013!! Korean trip! =P
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I suck - Part 2
This year is supposed to be a good year for him as his love life is supposedly to be blooming, and his birthday was supposed to be a great one as it will be very different this year. Again, not at all. Me, being the useless self, didn't even do shit to make anything 'awesome' or a surprise or anything... Probably it's all because of timing. The timing for everything is just baaad. Or is it just me. I'm a failure, as always.
Proven again when he got his result, I got emo as well. But being emo what for? Even though I can't do much to change things or the result, I should at least make the situation better...rather than make it worse! Fuck me larrr! Fuck fuck fuck! I fucking hate myself!
The road is just not clear anymore. It got blurred by so many other factors. I can't see the road ahead anymore.
Sigh... Everything turned out to be so different from what I expected it to be. Hopefully things will be back to how it used to be very soon. I'm afraid I couldn't take it. I really really miss those times alot. Things really do change and it changes very drastically. It freaks me out. But anyway, I'm prepared for all these when I decided to step into this and yeah, these are part and parcel of life. If it could turn out like how we wanted it to be, I am willing to do anything for something.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I suck
Meeting up with besties later... I think I need to, I've been in a depression mode and still am.
I think people really do need time to know a person well. And one thing that I'm really scared of is if one day, he'll just tell me "You're not the one". I can feel that. And I gotta admit, I'm not good...just not as good as I'm expected to be. I suck. Maybe I was born to swallow all that thing and later just shit it out like nothing happened. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so shitty. Before this was like that, and I thought it'd be different if I leave for KL. Everything will change and everything will be different. But no, I still suck and feel shitty all the time.
I really hate this coz Im feeling so fuking lost. And really scared.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
So addictive!!
They're sooo good with live performance!! (L)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Current addiction
Seeing this, it brings me back to 20 March 2010 =)
I Super Love that moment!
Ahh and SNSD! Taeyeon is soo sooo pretty! (L)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Should I cancel my "sex to-night"?
Since I'm at mum's place almost everyday and whole day these days, I don't have access to my diary, I mean the real one, so here I am again! Writing on my blog to document my emo moments..
Gotta try to sleep early everyday now. I think I have another 2 weeks to unzombify myself! Can I even do it? So damn worried... =\
Anyway, =(
Molly is no longer around =(( Even though I daren't touch/pet her, but seeing them always cheer me up. The 2 younger ones will always run and jump and bark and show you the manja face while Molly would always just sit and rest at a corner, very obediently, along with Nina. Never thought Molly would be the one leaving first =( Sad. R.I.P.
And today, I finally managed to get back the ownership of my number! If you're reading this, I know how heart broken you are right now for losing the last 'connection' between us, but you should know that if it's not yours, then it's just not. I really hate to see how people destroy their lives and endangering the lives of others, and also destroying how a healthy society should be, just because of a failed incident or dream or whatever at some point of their lives. Putting this up here might get a few to ttm and emo about anything, but if I don't I would be the one emoing all night. I've had enough of everything that has been happening for the past so many months and I'm waiting for the day that everyone can just live happily with their own lives. But if human wouldn't want to wake up from their sleep and keep on dreaming, that just shows that they wouldn't want to face the reality and live in denial for as long as they're asleep. It's time to wake up and take some time to think what's wrong and what's right. It's your life and your responsibility to make this world a better place, not choose to ignore it and worse, to destroy it!
Another shit... Why would people wanna lie? I guess everyone knows this. A few reasons. The main one, self preservation. But, if you were to lie, please do it in the right away. Don't say things that you don't mean it. Anything. Even simple things like "We should catch up someday", and the someday will be 10 years later.
"Will call you back later", "I hate her!", "I really wanna see you tonite"... if you don't mean it, you'll add a 'but' at the end of every sentence above. Or rather, you'd just say it for the sake of saying it but your actions show otherwise.
If you don't mean it, please don't ever say it! Simple as that! I know I do it too sometimes, everybody does. But at least I realised it and trying not to =\
Anyway, picture of me to cheer the mosquitoes up!
It's a picture of me taken by Dookie Cookie. Thankiu Dookie.
I rarely (like fuking rare) look nice in picture taken from side angles. Left or right, I'll still look ugly. Probably because of my witch chin and elf ears. I dunno bout you but I fuking like this pic!
Lol! Still not cheered up yet? Then go and sleep.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
-Uncle, 2010-
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
What a nice date huh!!
But fuck it's not a good day for me! If I have many readers for my blog, I'm very sure everyone will be leaving my blog by now for whining too much =\
Watodo, it's my blog wat! :P
Sigh, sometimes I wonder to myself if there's even a purpose of me living here on this earth. Everyone works so hard for a living or to enjoy, but they'll still die one day. Is it worth to work that hard? You can't bring all your fortune or the many holiday trips you've been to or even people you love along to your grave when you die. But yeah, like they say, just enjoy the present, which I did actually =)
Its sucky to hurt and be hurt. I think I'm completely useless in the sense that I have no plans and at lost most of the times. When only will I come to my senses? *knocks hard on head* It's empty ehh...
Ahh random. I'm loving my hair so much now coz it looks so good in the dark, only source of light is from my laptop, so when it shines on my hair, it looks awesome! =D

Scary siaa... =_=
The picture doesn't do my hair justice :(
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Colourful life
Btw, haven't gotten myself a diary =(
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Dear Diary
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The word 'drink' LOL!
It's been some time since all of us can get together. Everyone came except for Pei Li =( Nevermind, I'm sure we'll have another hens night right? ;)
Thank God no one got drunk LOL! Will update more later! =D
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hen night
Damn excited!!!
Heyy it's my FIRST ever real hens night okay! Usually it'll be like a normal open house where all the aunties and uncles will come along. This time around, NO GUYS are allowed! Only us BABES! Hehe! Hopefully everything will be as planned and goes well eh! We put in alot of effort alrite T__T
Can't wait to post up all the pics! ^^
Ahh btw, FUCK YOU shitfacerica!!!! No one will blame you for being ugly, just shut your fuking mouth and the world will be a better place to live in! (-_-)t
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lovely month!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
GMAT crazinessss!
It was a greaaaat night! =D
How I wish everyday will be the same!
Hehehe.... I'm officially crazy coz I'm just too happy now ^^
No time for updates, just oh lovely dates =P
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Lucky or sucky?
Something is bugging me but I don't know what. Why is it always like this?
Things aren't going really well for me and it feels sucky everyday having to go through shit like this. I'm a person who hate changes. I never liked changes. I fear of them! I feel comfortable living in a way I feel it's just nice in everything. But, after some time, I tend to build up the courage and face it. Accept those changes and be prepared to face them, no matter what. Hence, the many choices I made for the past months. But for some reason, I think I kinda screwed up some of them and I felt like a fool. I refuse to let any shit happen to my life again even though I know things like this cannot be controlled, but at least I tried and am still trying, but things just don't go the way I expected it to be anymore. If only humans can move on with their lives easily, this world will be a better place. Humans have feelings. I know people go through hell sometimes, but this is part of life that we got to face it. Whatelse should I do to please everyone and think for the sake of everybody? Am I being selfish all this while? Or have I not make it clear enough? I'm a very easy-going person, I don't really think or look at things in a very specific manner, or I don't have much worries for anything until I really have to. Maybe that's why I tend to ignore alot of things and focus only on things that are important to me. Therefore, I don't usually think so far ahead of me but instead, just think of what's going to happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, or next month. That's it! This is definitely one thing I know I must change. Question to ask myself; am I doing the wrong or right thing? Why is it so then? One thing for sure, certain things that I say, I really mean it. Certain people will find it hard to believe but some will think it's nothing but the truth. Well, I just got to prove it then. I hate to say this but I think I'm really lost and have no idea what I'm doing here sitting, typing shit on my blog, and doing nothing but to think of shit. Last night, I had this one dream. Weird but sweet! I dreamt of Nawi omg! It's Nawi, not Mawi duh. Nawi, my NS crush LOL! So yeah, that's what I've been doing the whole evening today, besides learning to make sushi, nothing but shitting shit out of my brain.
ps: If you have noticed it, what I wrote above is kinda random. Oh well, random thoughts happen sometimes =)
Lucky or sucky?
Anyway, nothing much to blog... There is a few actually, but photos are still in my camera =_=
Went to cut my hair the other day and the outcome was....not what I wanted at all.
It looks nice on the pic? Yeah of course, cause this pic was taken right after we went to do our hair and this is probably picture 5 out of 100. It's not easy to maintain. Crap shit. But I still love my hairstylist =_=
I lurrveee vegetarian food!
The shark fin's soup, oh my love!
I wanna drink this everydayyy!! =( And our all time favourite, fried butter mushroom!
Soo sooo awesome! I can never get tired of this!
Cooked for the first time! Like really cook! Like really cook on my own! =_=
But errr, with a littleeee helplar =P Seafood Alfredo!!!
Looks yummy right? Of course! It was yummy as hell! :P
Hahah sorry for being so proud but it's my first time alrite!
Alriteeey! Will update more next time.
Friday, October 8, 2010
It seems harder than I thought...After so long, I think I finally know why.
Oh btw Puffy, Im done! Thanks! =) It made me to finally think, like really think think! And I just wanna tell you that I love you!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Good times =D
I've been very hardworking lately as you can see from my progress of updating this almost neglected blog LOL!
To make up for the lost time, here I present you with videos! Never before seen videos...until now :P
And I find it amazing that we were supposed to be working but we ended up doing shit everyday LOL!
Here's a video on Dr.Uchenna, our lecturer, singing Count on me during our last lecture class.
Again, 2:48 is a must watch haha!
Here's us during one of our assignment discussion session. If you watch the video, Qis was the only one talking and Ruba was the only one listening. Why so? Cause she always skipped our discussion sessions and din really know whats going on with our assignment, so Qis gotta explain it to her =___= hence the seriousness on her face LOL!
There are more videos which I will be uploading it when I'm free =)
So, wait for it ya!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Help I'm so hopeless T__T
061010745 arrghh!
I have so much to blog about but just so lazy to do so! :P
I will try to update everrrything within this 1 month time =P (yeah, I know I wont be able to do it =_=)
Anyway, what do you think of my new header?
I dunno why but Im loving it LOL! And very likely it'll be permanently there =) unless someone tell me it's fugly, then I'll edit it again =(
Sooo yeah, I'll be riggght back after tonight =S Im sick worried now I think Im gonna die =\
ps: No, you don't need to know whats with my title =\
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
If you're still around, maybe I can be with you and tell you what Im feeling now. Tho we spoke to each other in hokkien and I know I suck at that, but you were so understanding and always support me no matter what...which is why I can talk to you whenever I want to. But now that you're no longer around, I just wanna tell the whole world that I miss u madly, and I miss talking to you when I have no one to talk to... =(
If you're watching from up there, please pray that everything will be fine because I just screwed up something and I hate myself so much for being extremely stupid sometimes. I should be happy but I'm not. I should be all relieved but I'm not either. FML or what? I just wanna hug you and cry =(
Happy Birthday..
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Imma emohead #3
Friday, September 3, 2010
Imma emohead #2
It's so so hard for me...
I never thought that it'll be this bad that I can't actually handle myself and control my emotions. Things are changing....
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Imma emohead
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
If I have a time machine....
Looked into the mirror and thought to myself, 'So what if you have the face when your brain is the size of a peanut?'. Seriously, I hate this. If I have a stupid look and I AM stupid I don't really care. What I care most is I'm not smart when people think I am. In fact, not smart is not the correct word.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Drama Queen
I'm super emo now I wanna go to bed!!
I wanna get this dress!!!!!

How to reduce emoness? You shop!! Or window shop!!
Whether you'll buy anything or not, you just try on all the nice clothes! =\
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
It's a weekenddd!!
Shall do this again Holiday Inn ehh,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Craps #1
So far, I've not done anything from my to-do list yet =_=" Ohh..besides gym.
So glad we did it!! Went to gym with Puffy and Kheirul and I would say it was great coz none of us went into cardiac arrest and died!! So, yay!!
Please fuking leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
What's up?
"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore"
I seriously should build up my courage and get out from my comfort zone.
The world out there is waiting for us to be explored...and I wouldn't want to regret 30 years later for not doing it!

I will take the time off and (first, be disciplined :P) plan whatever things that I'm supposed to do. The top two on my list will be reading and exercising. Gosh! I'm so addcited to healthy lifestyle! Minus the healthy foods =P
So, please pray hard that I'll be disciplined enough coz I wouldn't want to waste the limited time!
Priority Privilege below =P
Monday, July 5, 2010
You weren't there for me :(
Do you even know what/how I feel?
No... cause you think that I can overcome it myself.
"You" stupid Courage...booo!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Too hungry?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Better today
Sorry...just releasing stressssss!!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Things I can't live without....
Damn! I've been eating so much today!! And am still feeling hungry! wth!
Dielarr...exercised so much...all of em will be a waste of my effort and time :(
Now I feel sooo like eating...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Weekend thing
:: Went for follow up treatment
:: Spent quality time with family, relatives, and loved ones
:: Spring cleaning my room
:: Did a wallpaper just so that I can stare at it everyday :)
:: Emo bout my grandma :(
:: Eat and sleep
What I'm doing and going to do today:
:: Read something
:: Edit pictures
:: Buy my stuff
:: Trying to figure something out
:: unsure
What I'm going to do tomorrow:
:: Get screwed and screw someone at work
:: Present, present and present
:: Talk, talk and talk
:: Sleep
I will always remember....
She was the best mum and grandma ever.
She loved me alot and she was so proud to tell everyone that Im her granddaughter.
Too bad I never had the chance to tell her how much I loved her because she just left us like that....there were no preparations for us at all.
Miss you aloooot!

Dearest grandma & I

Part of my life :)
Appreciate your loved ones.
I'll pray for ajji, Puff :)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Loving my white headband :P
Thumbs up for the photographer
(Y) Lol this pic just made my day :D
Wtf bantal busuk!
Yeah, feeling real good today!
Mum and sis and the rest will be going PD tomorrow...until Friday -_-" Always din ajak me one wtf! Two days ago nie they told me wtf!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Luv me shoe!!
Am loving it!!
I still prefer the nike one for casual wear :((
This one is a lil too big for shopping -_-" but....I still love it! pic of said shoe -_-"
Only pic of me trying on some shoes.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wake up girl!
Some people can be so smart and capable of doing anything...
Was home whole day doing nothing but facebook-ing and cleaning my room... Then I went through certain people's blogs and profiles, I thought to myself how and when can I have those achievements... Sighh~~
I've always known my own capability and I know I can do much more than this...
So yeah, I gotta start setting my dreams and goals!!
Now what's left is to consider between a stable job with an average income or a more challenging job that gives a better quality of life :\

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mixed feelings :\
It's hard I know, but yeah, still gotta do it for everyone's benefit :)
But no matter what, you know what I'm thinking about... always ;)
Monday, May 10, 2010
"You see what you want to see"
Big enuf to think ^^

Fail! Nvrmd, try harder next time -_-"
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I love myself
What matter most to me now is my career and my future. Everyone, as in my besties, is gonna leave and head to different places soon, and as for me, I have my plans too :D
Nope, I'm not going to sell fish... I'm going to do something more 'extreme'.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The situation right now.....
I know there'll be many challenges ahead but things will work out...or at least give it a try.
Nothing is impossible now... IF ever things don't work out, it'll be back like before...that we promise :)
If anything were to happen, I'll think back the day this pic was taken ;) And I'll not regret with whatever decision I've made.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
'Check planner for this date'.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Solo by Iyaz ;)
5 emo songs were on loop for one whole day wtf...
Sighh made me even more emo now :(
I wan to go for a trip...a trip to anywhere as long as I can get out from Malacca for at least 3 days and I don't feel like working!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Talking bout sweet dreams....I had one last night ♥
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The ugly truth
Some are pretty cooool and I love it!
Well, I'm actually having a great time now!! Of course besides my work and certain things that have been bugging me....but whatever it is, I'm a happy girl now!
One of the non-emo posts ^^
With people I love, people I care besties! <3
Kinda in a good mood now =D
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sexy babe!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Another boring post
If my PC hdd dont work, I seriously will need to kill myself! My ext hdd need to be formatted before I could use it...but if I were to format it, my data will be destroyed!!!! T_T
I have yet to test my PC hdd... Please pray that it'll work! Pleaseeeee!!
And I've just received an sms from someone. It makes me wonder if I ruining someone's life by being so cruel... That sms managed to make me feel so down and I actually teared for no reason.
I just wanna get back to my happy life! I'm a working person now... I need to worry about my career, money, parents, and my life. I want everything to be sure then I can live peacefully...
Monday, April 19, 2010
Happy :D
First, my baby is here..finally!! My baby is soo sexy, just like the owner :P
Second thing to be happy about....its sumthing to do with my emoness previously... It's all gone! ^^
Monday, April 12, 2010
I can't read ppl's mind, I do not know what the others around me are thinking, and it sucks badly coz I dont fking know if I'm doing the right thing. I need to plan for my future.
Monday, April 5, 2010
I've been thinking of something lately...a thing that caused me to be damn emo sometimes. I don't really know if I'm doing the right thing or that something is real or whatsoever, it's just all over my mind.... Being all alone here now actually helps me to think logically and eventually, it'll help me to make the right decision...I hope.
Can't wait to get over this. It's killing me. But....getting over this quickly might not be a good idea either. It might be better if it remains this way.
F it! I'll just enjoy my 2 weeks training here!! :)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Press '0' for Help
I've made up my mind.. that is to let go everything, leave this place and go for a vacation! I need some space... I need air to breath...else I'm dying!