Monday, March 28, 2011

3 years and still counting...

3 years ago, yesterday... She left us, without even letting me/us to see or speak to her for the very last time. But I believe she's with him happily =)





Grandma & Grandpa

...many many years back.

Appreciate your loved ones. Appreciate what you have now. You'll never know when they'll be gone....forever.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Its freaking 2.30am and I still can't sleep sigh...
Maybe I just can't wait for tomorrow!! Coz it's a freaking Saturdayyy! Being able to chill the whoooole day doing nothing is just awesome!! =D

Anyway, just wanna update one thing here.
I am not stopping here!! Great things need time, patience, a lil brain will do, and hardwork! I'm gonna work my ass off to achieve whatever Imma do =) Weeeee...!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Yeah life has always been unpredictable. Not knowing what would happen next, the next day, the next hour, bla bla... But sometimes in life too, things can be so predictable... Everything seems so predictable now that there's no more fun anymore. Well, what can I say....that's life. For a moment you're oh-so-awesome, and the next moment, you're just an average Joe. My point is, I just miss those times when I would smile or even crack up when I see em each time.. It was like a 'everyday-is-an-awesome-day-when-I-see-em' thing. Now it's like...yeahh, predictable. The same thing everyday that I daren't even think if it's just me or em. I don't force anyone to follow my way of living a happy life or to please me, as I myself am not sure if I'm on the correct path anymore, but I believe in just one fuking positive everyday! Hence, I'm always happppieee and feeling excited about every single thing (okay maybe not every single thing, but almost everything) that happens everyday and of course, those that worth the excitement. Trust me, it's a good practice. But then again, seeing em and smile, that's the thing I would want it back...

Am I actually prepared?

*Random post

By random, I really mean it. Each sentence can be completely unrelated to the sentence before that... random.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I saw ghost last night

It's so fuking depressing that every fuking Sunday is a fuking depressed day its so fuking depressed u cant imagine how depressed of a depression a person could be... *Depression mode*

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Nowhere near them and definitely can't be one of them...
No matter how much I tried, I know I can never be the one.
I'm a nobody... nobody to anyone.
Call me emobitch all you want but at least I know I don't have problem to be happy except for every Monday coz it sucks bad!

Looking down the road... seriously no fuking idea where it'd lead me to. What will I be in a year or two or 10 years later? I don't ask for fancy lifestyle or luxurious houses...all I want is just a simple and nothing but a fuking simple lifestyle with people I love around me. How hard can that be you ask? It's fuking hard especially when you're being me now.

Just want that simple something...