Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Ididnotsleepfor34fukinghourscanyoubelieveit????No,myspacebarkeyisnotspoiled(see got space =.=")justthatIamsotiredofthisfukinginsomniathingthatisgonnamakemecrazyanddieyoung!!

Alrite,I woke up the day before at 12 noon. So study study study until late night and decided to sleep at 2am and later wake up at 6am to study. As usual, that fuking insomnia virus that is so dangerous and even more harmful than H1N1 attacked and I couldn't sleep until 7am! Not even 1 minute did I doze off!! Wasted 5 hours of my time not studying, but trying to sleep wtf!!

Then I just go for my first paper from 9am-12pm. There, 24hours i stayed awake! Then continue with second paper from 2.30-5.30pm! My head felt so heavy and I couldn't think properly. I couldn't even answer 1+1=2!! But then, after doing first question from each paper, I felt better and proceeded. I wasted so much time on 1st question for both papers! !%*@^&*(

After 2nd paper, went straight to Everly Beach Resort for mum's birthday celebration, up to 10pm!!! Waaa I'm such a superwoman! I should start wearing pink underwear outside! Ok, lame I know, but we like superman jokes wat!

Alrite, wanna study for the last paper now, and............... I'll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. all da best for your last paper...soon ur insomnia wil be taken over by excessive sleep and boredom...

  2. true but i have plans for the looong holidays so no worries haha!
