Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I have issue

Dear Diary,

Today, I've just realised that there hasn't been any 'happy' post from me anymore. It's always some meaningless emo blogpost of me ranting how pathetic my life is now. Where has all my excitement gone too? Am I living in a life I've always wanted to? Or am I just enduring what I do not want? The path ahead of me has always been unclear and it seems like it's getting worse now. I'm really scared that one day, I couldn't take it and will just lose faith on myself and let it go. I do not want that to happen because one year ago, I imagined that my life will be a fun, enjoyable and exciting one, filled with new adventures and loves and the so many other things I've always wanted! Where have all of that gone to? There are no more dreams and desire for me to look forward to anymore. I'm just some old nagging girl who nobody wants and some might find me very annoying for asking too much as if they do not know how to take care of themselves or etc.

I'm extremely tired of life. But I do not want to end it here. I know I love my life now and I know it'll be better someday. I've always wished for that someday to come faster.


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